Alliance of Science Organisations seeks to contribute to achieving the goal of climate neutrality


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Preserving sequence data as a public asset


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Alliance of Science Organisations on science and innovation policy in the legislative period 2021-2025


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Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: Declaration on the avoidance of career breaks in the German science system as a result of the pandemic


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Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: Statement on the VAT treatment of joint appointments and cooperations between universities and non-university research institutions


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Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: Statement on the draft bill amending the Animal Welfare Act (taking into account the statement issued by the Bundesrat [Printed Paper 19/27629, Annex 3] and the Federal Government’s response to the Bundesrat statement [Printed Paper 19/27629, Annex 4])


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Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: Statement on the draft bill to adapt copyright law to the requirements of the digital single market of 3 February 2021


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Science demands the unconditional release of Ahmadreza Djalali


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Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: Statement on the draft bill for the adaptation of copyright law to the requirements of the digital single market


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Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: The “Bonn Declaration” as an important step in the interests of academic freedom


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