Open Letter on the future of research and innovation in the European Union
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Statement on the Initiative of the European Commission: Reforming Research Assessment
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Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: Solidarity with partners in Ukraine – consequences for science and the humanities
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Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: Expectations of the science policy of a new Federal Government
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Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: Procedure for German participation in international research infrastructures (iFIS)
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Alliance of Science Organisations on science and innovation policy in the legislative period 2021-2025
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Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: Statement on the draft bill to adapt copyright law to the requirements of the digital single market of 3 February 2021
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Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany: Statement on the draft bill for the adaptation of copyright law to the requirements of the digital single market
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Statement on the discussion draft of a second bill to adapt copyright law to the requirements of the digital single market (Statement, 30 July 2020)
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Research and innovation are the backbone of the European economy | Statement by the Alliance of Science Organisations on the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027
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