In opposition to a boycott of Israeli science and research
The Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany supports the appeal of the Council of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities of 20th May 2024 to the international scientific community and strongly opposes calls for a boycott of Israeli researchers and Israeli scientific institutions.
We consider it discriminatory and misguided to terminate research collaborations with Israeli science and research institutions, to exclude Israeli scientists from international conferences and awards or to reject funding applications from researchers at Israeli institutions. Such measures are also counterproductive, as they serve to weaken an independent voice of reason in Israel. Israeli universities and academic institutions are pillars of Israel’s liberal, democratic society; they should be bolstered as spaces for free and open discourse, especially in times of intense debate within Israel over the peace process in the Middle East.
The member organisations of the Alliance of Science Organisations in Germany will continue to promote scientific exchange and cooperation with colleagues at Israeli science and research institutions and to do their utmost to de-escalate the current situation. Only through dialogue and within the framework of an open and international scientific community can we collectively tackle the pressing problems of our time.